Exploring God’s Creation in Science Class

Did you love science class as a student? Or, did you find it tedious, difficult, or even just plain boring? I will admit, I did not always love science class as a student. I spent many an hour engaged in what felt like meaningless memorizing and busy work, but despite that, I continued to fall…

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Timeless Curriculum in a Technological World

The Smyrski Family shares with fourth graders about congenital heart defects. The interactive whiteboard displays a diagram of the heart and X-rays from their own son’s surgery. As a classical school, we understand the benefits of utilizing the timeless methods proposed by Dorothy Sayers and the Trivium. Though our approach is classical, it is not antiquated. …

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Math Equals Love?

“I hate math.” “I’m bad at math.” “I can’t do math.” These are all phrases that I’ve heard over the years from students, and these phrases are all now banned from my classroom. It is not because I’m not interested in hearing what my students have to say, nor is it because I think that…

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Are All STEM Programs Created Equal?

“Science brings men nearer to God.” – Louis Pasteur Some of the fastest growing and highest paid careers with the greatest projected demand require specialized training and/or degrees in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics (STEM). Thus, the demand for STEM enrichment programs has exploded. One of the biggest challenges for students entering STEM programs is…

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CCS Biology Labs Are Glowing!

Many high school students read about bacterial transformation in their biology textbooks, but most do not get a chance to actually make bacteria transform. That type of lab work is typically reserved for a university level microbiology course. However, sophomore biology students at CCS recently did just that. So, what is bacterial transformation and why…

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